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Thursday, September 08, 2011

Sleeping, Singing, and Sharing

The zombie finally got to sleep! My new record is four straights nights without sleep. Does anyone else remember that House episode where this girl doesn't sleep for almost a week, which is apparently the longest you can go without sleep before dying? Maybe that episode was a bit hysterical...but don't worry, I wasn't worried about this. I was just damn frustrated that I could meditate all night and not fall asleep. I slept fitfully, and for just a couple of hours, but still, I feel a wee bit more human today. Just as well, because I was starting to have a strong desire to hunt down humans, and kill and eat them. (hold on...that was a continuation of the zombie reference. work with me here. zombies eat ppl right? or is that vampires? oh lord...who cares?).

Last night was the first official practice of the Linden singers. It's been really hot here, so upstairs in the First Met church was sweltering, even in the late evening. There was a meeting...I didn't really understand what was going on because it was so formal. I took notes tho :). The people are all so lovely, despite our age gap. I've always gotten on very well with adults, even as a young child, so it didn't seem strange to me. Hopefully I can recruit some more young people for next year...that would be nice. I am singing soprano. Oh yes, you read that right. I feel like a mouse being pinched every time I hit a note an octave about middle C. It's not a pretty sound, but it is a sound noise none the less. I used to sing alto/tenor in school choir (mostly to make up for the lack of boys). Linden has oodles of tenors and's such a novel sound for me!

My friend Angela, who I haven't seen in a gillion years because we've both been away and just plain busy, is coming over tonight for pizza! It's the new and delicious GF crust from the "Gluten-free Goddess'" blog. I can smell the yeasty dough from the living room, one of my favorite smells. I'm sure it rose beautifully today because it is so hot and humid. 21 degrees in the late afternoon is just fine by me. Hopefully we'll be seeing the last Harry Potter movie later tonight. We haven't gone yet!!! Almost out of theaters too,

I listened to the radio interview my mum and I gave the other day at CBC. The radio show is called "On the Island", a morning favorite. Check out Sept 7th program, "Living with cougars, honouring Campbell, Lyme Liberation treatment and memorial trees", to listen to our interview. We used to listen to a bit of CBC in the morning rides into school, and I recognize Gregor Craigie's voice! Very tranquil. Another opportunity to spread the word about Lyme disease, and the Liberation therapy...hopefully this knowledge can help others.

I also created a chair yoga blog today, called "8 Limbs, 1 Chair", which will document my healing journey through  yoga. I am very excited about this! Michelle encouraged me to reflect on my learning journey, and what a great thing to share with fellow Lymies, and people in wheelchairs! Hopefully I can inspire others to try it...who knows, it could make all the difference in your health!

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