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Monday, August 29, 2011

Linden Singers!

Earlier this week, I auditioned for the Linden Singers, a local choir directed by Dr. Gary Froese. Dr. Froese led the choir at GNS in my grade 9 year, and I learned so much under his direction. I was excited to join Linden, even though I knew that all of the members were much older than me. The same day I found out I had made it into the choir, there was an Thursday evening workshop, a crash-course of some of the major works the choir will be learning. One of the pieces was Vivaldi's 'Gloria', a dramatic and melodic work, which the Victoria Ballet will be dancing too!! I am just so excited. There was an all-day workshop on Friday, but unfortunately, I couldn't make it to all of it. I am still very pumped about the music! Everyone was very friendly and welcoming, surprised that someone so young just showed up. I missed singing very much...I have always sung in school choirs. It feels unnatural not to.

I am having a lot of trouble sleeping lately, so I am not at tip-top shape. Ever since we came back from the trip to Cali, I have been having many boring, sleepless nights. I am used to functioning on little sleep, but this is getting too little for me. I have to re-read things multiple times just to ensure I am computing. Sigh.

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