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Thursday, September 03, 2009

Seattle: Take 2

We were in Seattle for a few days, seeing (another) one of my Lyme doctors, which is always a treat *rolls eyes*. Dr. Marra is so wonderful, she has helped me so much over the past year, above and beyond her 'call of duty', and then some. Its nice to know that there is still enough compassion in the world to make it go round.

We took the Victoria Clipper across, which is a pretty trip! They were so helpful too! Wow, totally impressed! I was so tired though, travelling is difficult. I guess its having to see all that stuff, get up and down, go over bumps, the waiting, and dealing with all the stares as I pass people. It makes me kind of hurt, and embarrassed sometimes, but I suppose they are just curious, just as I would be if I saw a healthy looking young girl passing by me in a wheelchair. I smile at them, to let them know in that gesture that, yes, I see them looking, and its okay because I'm used to it, so instead of glaring at you (as I would sometimes LOVE to do), I smile in an act of diplomacy and honesty. I smile to make me feel more normal.

I was freaked out to go to Seattle, because last time I went to Seattle to see a Lyme doctor for a few days, I ended up being more than a year away from home, and sick as hell for all that time. A part of me wondered if it wouldn't be like that again. *Spoiler Alert* I made it back in one piece, and on the right day.

It went well. We switched up some drugs, we did a little of the 'so-how-are-you-feeling-now' stuff (eww) and so on. I'm doing a little better than a year ago, but only a tiny little bit. Let me say that I don't notice these 'improvements'. I guess I'll have to wait a little longer for that!

1 comment:

  1. if it makes you feel any better, i think people look at you in a wheelchair to make sure you're ok. you usually don't see people in a wheelchair unless something is stopping them from walking, like a chest wound. next time you see them, just smile your pretty smile (or just make a face and go cross-eyed)

