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Thursday, September 17, 2009

Lyme Rally!

I am VERY tired. I haven't been quite this tired in a seriously long time. I got up at the ungodly hour of 8 ish...I shouldn't have bothering going alseep for such a short amount of time. I am usually pretty good in the morning, I wake up quickly and can get going, but I felt a little sluggish. Today was the Lyme Disease Rally at the Legislative Building, downtown, Victoria. There was ALOT of lime green color around, and alot of people! So many sick people in one place...its horrible so many people are sick. I got to meet alot of people that I had aparently heard of before, and tons of new people. Several MLA's (John Horgan, Lana Popham, Doug Routley: thank you so much for supporting us!) were there, which is wonderful to see! Finally, political action! Its tiring meeting new people, for me, and also makes me very anxious for some reason, when before I usually had no problem with it.

I made a speech, aparently! It went well, so they say, hopefully I got my point across. Hopefully finally someone will listen. A far off hope? The ex-MLA David Cubberly EMCEE'd the whole thing and was very well spoken and passionate about helping people. I'm glad he's on our side, and not theirs!

I can't really think too clearly, I'm too tired and sick feeling today. I gave an interview though, with two people, which was sort of exciting I suppose. I'm just glad that it might mean a few more people hear about Lyme disease, and if I can convince them that we need changes to be made, and they can learn a all I could want. Its worth it to do anything to make sure other people don't have to suffer like this.

After the protest, I went to my school (yay!) and discussed with my principle about me getting back to school and the classes I want to take. I think I can start next week! I'm very excited! Cheers to the future!

1 comment:

  1. Nicole you gave a great speech! You said what needed to be said and it had impact.

    I think the reason meeting people makes you anxious is so many wanted to touch you and we know you can not handle that yet. You will, one day your pain won't drive your day.

    Keep the faith, keep doing what you are doing and above all believe that we will make a difference.

