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Thursday, January 22, 2009

I Just Can't Wait to get on the Road Again

OMG! What a very action packed few days it has been.

Firstly, and like obviously most importantly, OBAMA happened. I've been an Obama fan since the list of candidates first came out. By the calendar, its January. By my mind, it's June. I don't know who won. It's a shock every time I hear about President Obama, because my last memories, of June, is that they are still doing all that pre-election stuff. I'm totally jazzed that he is now our official president. 
I can't help but sing the 'Bob the Builder' song every time I hear the slog 'Yes we can'. Sorry...its the babysitting, you know.

A couple of days ago we drove up to Hyde Park, New York. I was totally bummed out that we were going to New York but not going to NYC. It's about a 2 hour drive from here to Hyde park, this dinky little city, home to the CIA (not the crime stoppers! the Culinary Institute of America!!!!) and not much else. We stayed at a really crummy hotel but really the only nice hotel in the city. I could barely get my wheel chair around the place. They totally have like the worst shampoo in like hotel history-it smells like creamsicles, except ones from the seventies that have been sitting out for that long. Not exactly my fav.

Guess what we were doing in Hyde Park? You absolutely won't believe it, but we saw a *gasp* doctor! I know isn't that like the weirdest thing? *rolls eyes*. His name is Dr. Horowitz. And he's been a practicing Buddhist for like 20 years or something. I think that breaks some stereotypes! Anyways, he is a way cool doctors and one of the best I've seen. He spent like 2 hours with us, asking questions and prescribing things (woot! like pain killers! :D) and doing the whole 'does it hurt here?' thing that I love so much. He was so nice and seems really passionate about Lyme. He's starting me on a whole bunch of new drugs soon, including a different IV drug, which should be fun and should make me sicker now but better in the long run. Oh joy of joys right? I got about 20 vials of blood taken. Which was not so fun. You know those HUGE syringes that they have in like medical shows, the one that have like 40 ml's in them...I had 3 of those drawn full of blood, and then a few vials after. But it's not so bad now because they can take the blood directly out of the PICC line which is seriously the best thing ever because it involves no needles! The nurse was really kind. Her name was Nicole too and she was born 10 years before me a few days before my birthday. Kinda freaky hunh? I did have to get some blood taken from my antecubital fossa (you can thank Miss Devon for that sweet knowledge!) but not like an insane amount. I did feel faint though, but no surprises there. They also injected me with a few  of those big syringes full of glutathion, which is something that the liver usually makes, and can help fight toxins or something. And I am just totally ranting. 

We actually went to the CIA for dinner. It is like the equivalent of an Ivy league school for cooking. It wasn't super fantastic or anything like I was expecting, which is a total shame. We had these satay pork and beef skewers which were just so perfectly seasoned but the caesar salad was cut up in these itty bitty pieces and the leaves were all brown and gross. And the pizza was soggy. But it was generally just okay. We have this huge, bad ass cook book from the CIA which we probably have never used that is like 'cooled cucumber soup for 120' or 'fois gras for 50' and other really fiddly and complicated things for an inordinate amount of people. 

I'm so tired. The trip was not like fantastic but really beneficial I guess.

You know, the 'Welcome to New York' sign as you cross state lines has a little 'I hear NY' on it. I laugh so hard and tried to take a picture but it was too late. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Nicole! I've been reading your blog site. It's great to hear your voice and your humor. I'm really tired of you being sick so would you please, like, ramp it up a bit and get off this kick?!

    I miss you and Chris. Please give her my love. All is well in my life. Nothing exciting, just pluggin along adjusting to my son going away to college and the road I'm on to learn playwriting.

    I was accepted to a seminar/workshop in Denver two weeks ago given by two NY producer/writer/director guys. One of them, Matthew Penn, is a director on Law and Order. The other, Joe Cacaci, has done many years of tv, theatre, and film. They were impressed with my writing. I was impressed that they were impressed and we all had a good time. I learned some stuff but it wasn't as oriented to theatre as I would have liked, more to film.

    How do you like the Big Apple? I grew up on Long Island, you know. And I have family in the Bronx. My husband, Mark, is from Brooklyn and grew up on Long Island too.

    If you ever have the energy for a phone call, give me a call: 970-223-0869. Or toll-free: 1-800-321-9807.

    Maybe email me sometime.Your mom has my address. I wish I could just sit and visit with you.

    Anway, lots of love to you!
